Friday, April 9, 2010

Your veggie 411

Are you trying to be good and watch what you eat? Are you sick of eating the same old steamed veggies and bland salads? I know how hard it can be to make the so called 'subtle changes' in your lifestyle. They are just not so subtle after all are they. Getting healthy takes more than just one thing. It is a complete life makeover. It takes a lot of will power and determination. Once you get going, you realize that you have to change your schedule to accommodate your exercise routine, pack healthy lunches, count your calories. Each 'subtle change' requires a new artillery of motivation. You do not want to make your journey harder by trying to push tasteless food down your throat.

There are many benefits to eating mostly vegetarian diet:

1. Vegetables are packed with fiber to keep you regular.

2. They have water to satisfy your hunger and keep you fuller longer, thus bringing down your calorie intake.

3. Vegetables are easy on the budget and can be made into many many recipes, and if you do not have time to cook them, then you can just pop most of them in raw or juice them.

4. They are full of vitamins and minerals and can provide you all the nutrition you need without any meat.

5. They help you control your weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol.

The list goes on, but you already know all that since you have landed on this article. You problem is, how do you turn your veggies into something you actually enjoy eating.

Well, it is easier than you think. You just need to change the way you serve yourself those veggies. You can try stir-frying them, juice them try to make salads MY-WAY ( or the snack on them raw. You can do so many things to spice veggies up. I have some recipes I have shared and if you would like to try them, please go ahead and click on this link. to read more and find more vegan recipes. I plan to add two or three new recipes a week so keep checking back.
You can check out this book I like.

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