Friday, July 9, 2010

My Favorite Affiliate Marketing Training Videos

If you are a beginner in Affiliate Marketing, you have come to the right place. I know there are a lot of eBooks and other resources for information out there...and that is great but it can totally boggle you mind in the beginning. Trust me, I am walking the rope......I know how hard it is to decide what to save and what to delete from the mind's files. Plus there is so much to learn that implementing what you have learned gets so over-analyzed and people are afraid to take the first step. Unless you set the ball rolling, you WON'T make your first dollar. So, I have here a bunch of videos that helped me and will help you too. I know they will.

How to be an Affiliate Marketer - this first one puts Affiliate Marketing in perspective

So what exactly is Affiliate Marketing. Well, you already know the basics, YOU, the affiliate connect the user with a product he or she is looking for. It is all about finding solutions(read products) to people's problems, and you make a commission for the sales you drive. That is it. Sounds simple enough right? Yeah right! It is simple NOT easy. You have got to be willing to work hard AND work smart. By 'work smart' I mean you can't just do the digging and find the gold. You have to know where to dig and how to dig. That is where many people fall short. So here are some videos that will shed some light where it is needed.

This one of my favorites because of how simple 'potpiegirl' makes it. It really is not as complicated as everyone who is new to affiliate marketing makes it. I know there is a ton of information out there and it is hard to keep your focus, but the main theme is simple. It is hard to lose your focus when you are flooded with information, but this video will keep you on track.

How easy was that? I stumbled upon 'potpiegirl' on my first day at Wealthy Affiliate. I think her videos and tutorials helped me the most. If you are a Wealthy Affiliate member, do go and look her up. If not, she has her own product called 'One Week Marketing'. It is one of the highest ranking and most sold product on clickbank and I personally recomend it. Click here for more information about 'One Week Marketing'.

Finding a Niche - Some Insider Tricks

So they talk a lot about finding a 'Niche' for your endeavors and you will mint money. Easier said than done. This video is really good at clearing the fog that newbie marketers face with finding a profitable niche.

Keyword Research & Market Reseach

Now I like this one because keyword and market research is one of the most important aspects of Affiliate Marketing. If you find a hot market but don't have the right keywords for your work, you will not get found and if you have great keywords for a dead market, your pages will never convert. So either way, you need to know how to do a good market and keyword research and this video introduces to hit it right...and it is by 'potpiegirl'-my favorite.

How to Get Started With Squiddoo

After you have researched you niche and found keywords, you want to stop overanalyzing and get your hands dirty. Go ahead and build your first Squiddoo lens. It is not as hard as you think. Just do it. You will get better at it as you go. I know t might seem daunting, so here is a video that shows you just how to get started.

Click here to check out Socialmarketing101.

Page Ranking and SEO

Ok now, you may make a wonderful lens on squiddoo, you may put in all the keywords you thought were relevant but never get any traffic if your keywords are not what Google is looking for. Been there, done that! So here is another video by potpiegirl that explains how you can get your squiddoo page found and ranked high on Google.

I hope watching these videos gets you started on the right track. Remember, the key to making any money here is to take the first step. You may feel like you want to know everything there is to know about Affiliate Marketing before you get started. The truth is, you will never know all that is out there. The good thing is, you are allowed to make as many mistakes as you like in this business and mistake teach you lessons you would not have learned otherwise. So stop procrastinating and build you first lens today. Then another one tomorrow, start your free blog and write at least 2 articles this week and submit them to at least 2 article directories to drive some traffic to your lens. And please check out potpiegirl's 'One Week Marketing'. If you are going to make any investment in Affiliate Marketing training, and at some point you will, this is the best money you will spend. I wish you Good Luck!!!

PS: Click here for some more good Affiliate Marketing Training Programs.

1 comment:

  1. Quite a learning experience. You don't have an opt-in. You'd make a killing if you did.
