Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Anu's Affliliate Marketing Diary-My 1st Milestone!

I finally did it! After 3 months of researching, reading, confusion, procrastination, failures and disappointments, I finally wrote my first article yesterday, got it published and YES...IT IS ON THE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS!!!!
Got started back in April with this Affiliate marketing stuff. How did I stumble upon this? Well, really interesting story. I had always been a late riser...all my life! My parents tried their level best to convince me to change my habits, but I never quite believed that my waking time had anything to do with anything. Well, life changed after the kids entered the scene. My toddler insisted on waking up at 6.30 every morning regardless of how late he slept. I was not only miserable, but also resentful, depressed and feeling trapped. One day I made the decision. I was NEVER going to allow him to wake me up again, because I was going to be the one who beat him to it. Yes, I was going to wake up early! Everyone that knew me, was shocked and skeptical. I was confident, but did not know how. So I turned to one of my most reliable friend-the Internet. I had always turned to it for answers to my most pressing questions. What I stumbled upon is this blog by Steve Pavlina. I got the greatest tips from him for waking up early, and they worked. I became and early riser and realized how I had cheated my self all my life. I loved waking up before life came calling, I loved the ‘me’ time, I loved the power it gave me, and I discovered that I was not sleepy all day. This was new to me. It was funny, the less I slept, the better I felt. I was getting so much more done too. The guilt that was always with me had gone away. My life was changed-forever. Now, what the heck does this have to do with Affiliate Marketing? Well, as I read more and more articles on Steve’s blog, I found that there was this world of Blogging and Affiliate Marketing which I never knew about. This world of opportunity and endless possibilities. I had finally found my calling. I was going to dive right in. Not only did I now have more hours in my day, I even had something I could do with them to make a good amount of money.
It seemed simple enough, start a blog, and Google will pay you for the ads. Hmmm….not really! Turned out, Affiliate Marketing is simple, but it’s not easy! I started reading up on anything and everything I could find on the subject. There was a lot out there, which seemed nice, but it only meant that there was that much more competition. But I was not going to give up, not so early in the game and not so easily. After all, there were big rewards to be had for those who hung in there. I decided to take this challenge head on.
I did my research and signed up with Wealthy Affiliate University.
Day 1, buyer’s remorse kicked in. I started wondering if I had fallen for another one of those spams. I felt I had wasted my money. But was I in for a pleasant surprise. The resources and information at Wealthy Affiliate were endless. So that is what I buried myself into. But along with a lot of information comes a lot of confusion. I had so many ideas, I was not sure which way to go. If only I had followed the Action Plan outlined at Wealthy Affiliate…duh! The one thing I must say here about the Wealthy Affiliate community is that the people here are EXTREMELY helpful and giving. They are always ready to answer questions and are very forthcoming with the information they have to share.Click here to find out more about Wealthy Affiliate and some other comparable products.
Well, yesterday, I finally took action. I woke up and set my goal for the day. 1. Write an article. 2. Sign up for article directories. 3. Submit my article! That is exactly what I did. I stopped overanalyzing, procrastinating and doubting and went ahead and wrote my first article and submitted it. Within hours, it was LIVE! And today, it is on the 1st page of the Google search results for the keyword Wordpress Express. My article even got picked up by another website which I have not even heard of and is live there too. Click here to read my article.
So there….that is my first milestone in Affiliate Marketing. Please bookmark my blog for updates to my Affiliate Marketing diary. If you are new to this world, it may help to read my blog as a real life case study. Also please feel free to ask any questions that you may have or leave your comments. I will have regular updates here. Wish me luck!
Oh by the way, if you would like to visit Steve Pavlina’s blog, please click here.

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