Thursday, July 22, 2010

I DID IT! I am FINISHED with the 8 week action plan at Wealthy Affiliate!!!

Another milestone day today!
I finally finished the 13 lessons that are offered at the heart of Wealthy Affiliate's Affiliate Marketing course. Now, I still have to go through the 543(as of today) other resources including eBooks, videos and tutorials, but I feel I am ready. So I started working on my very first website today. I can not believe how far I have come. If you look at my very first post on this blog, and the website I built after being today, you will see the difference. I am not saying, "I have arrived", all I am saying is that way back then, I did not have a clue what I was doing.

I remember my first day in the Affiliate Marketing world. I signed up for a clickbank account and then went to their marketplace and picked some random products to promote. Armed with my hoplinks, I went about on my social marketing networks (facebook, orkut and my e-mail signature) and dropped my links there. I found some forums and dropped some more links there. My day's work was done. Now all I had to do was wait. I woke up the next day, with the illusion that I am going to open up my clickbank account and it's going to look like one of those screenshots that some people had used to lure me into this business. I saw a big $0.00 earning. I saw the same again the next day and the next. I thought, hey, let me make a squiddo lens about something and drop some links there. Nothing. Click here to see my very first squiddoo lens(not very proud o it). Now I look back and laugh. I was so naiive. Nothing in the world is that easy. Yes as I always say, Affiliate Marketing is SIMPLE not EASY.
Today, I have an understanding of the nuts and bolts of the industry. I still have a loooooooooong way to go before I can call myself a pro, but I know it takes a LOT of work to succeed in this business. Good part is this is not like all those other scams I have wasted my time and money with before. The surveys, and the envelopes, the mystery shopping and the medical billing. I know that I have finally found something that not only is real, it has also taught me a lot. I feel that Affiliate Marketing is something where success is inevitable. It may be slow for some as many people come into this with little or no knowledge of computers, of the workings of the industry. But think of it like choosing a career. You will have to go to college, get some work experience and be there a while to really start making good money at it. It will also all involve some capital, the college fees being the biggest one. So why come into this field expecting to achieve success the very first day. All it takes is that you hang in there. I know I am going to. Heck, I am not investing any money in this really, so what is the harm in keeping at it.
Another thing I am happy about is that in the last 3 months or so that I have been in this, I have learned so many things other than Affiliate Marketing. I have learned so much about the internet and about all the many topics I have researched in order to write articles. I have learned how to do better research on the internet and not believe everything. I have learned that you can get a lot of things for free if you just know where to look. All this knowledge will help me throughout my life, not just in Internet Marketing.
I am very excited about what the future holds now that I am equipped with the training that I have got at Wealthy Affiliate. I have no intentions of letting go of my membership yet. There is just so much more there, I feel I have just scratched the surface. I can't imagine how much more empowered I will feel when I have gone through all the remaining 543 resources...of course, by then, they will have another 543 new resources uploaded for me to learn from. I am so happy I did not go about wasting my money on the wrong products, like many newbies do, I am proud that I have for once made the right choice.

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