Friday, July 16, 2010

Bought My First Domain Name

Ok, I bought my first domain name today. Since the last time I wrote here, I have been hard at work. As you can see, I posted my favorite affiliate marketing videos. What did I do that is worth mentioning? Well, I feel like I have done some good planting and am waiting for a good harvest at least in beginner terms. More specifically, I went and watched the 3 videos on potpiegirl's website and applied the principles. Each day since Monday, today is Wednesday, I found one good product I wanted to promote, built a squiddoo lens for each one, and submitted articles to bring me traffic. And it is working. I am making progress. I am getting traffic to my lens and yes, some clickouts too. I can only smell my first sale now.
Oh, about the domain name, yes, I finally took the plunge. I found one niche I think will be hot and decided I am going to spend some time building my online store around than niche. So I went and bought a domain name. It was a little challenging to steer through all the stuff they throw at you when you buy your first domain name. But I managed. So today, I am the proud owner of a website...chuckle. I felt out of all of the web hosting services out there, 1and1 seemed to be the most reasonable. They have some good packages and great prices for sure.
If you are interested in Affiliate Marketing Training please click here.

Oh...and I also added more tags to my other squiddoo lenses. Funny how you come up with new tags every time you revisit your lens. I am starting to understand a little more about tags and keywords now...feels good.
So I will check the stats like every breath and wait for that first sale. I sure will be on the rooftops, yelling, when it will know it too. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Click here to see the squidoo lens I made today.

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